Thursday, October 29, 2009


So the 100th post seems to be an exciting post to have finally reached. What better thing to post about on the 100th than..............WE GOT OUR HOUSE! We closed this afternoon and after about an hour or so of signing papers we left with keys in hand and headed to the house. How amazing was it to put the key in the door and open it up for the first time as ours. We are so blessed! We immediately got to it in lifting up the carpet to take a GOOD peek (unlike the little unsure one we took a few weeks back) at what lies beneath. We have absolutely beautiful hard wood floors under there. We will be taking all the carpet up in the bedrooms and upstairs hall as well as the dinning room . I am so stoked about this as is Rodney. It is amazing to think it is finally over and ours. We will be headed back tomorrow to really get to work. The plan now is to have all the work done and at least be sleeping there by November 21 and to be completely done with everything and just sitting down to enjoy it by Thanks Giving. I look forward to the work we will do as it just brings on even more appreciation as we put our own sweat into it. Thank you to everyone who has prayed with us through this entire process that at times seemed long, trying and down right impossible. With God nothing is impossible and He has blessed us with a wonderful hone to raise our family and to honor Him! I so look forward to ever single step of it. I will be taking before and after pics and post hopefully as we go along. Hang with me though as the next few weeks could get a bit busy and I may not keep up totally. Also Colby starts basketball practice on Monday and games in December so just another thing to come and to look forward to.
"As for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."
Joshua 24:15

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